Supporting the mental & behavioral health of children age 13 to 17

Many parents are unsure how to distinguish between normal teenage behaviors and teenage behaviors that represent mental health challenges. Watch the following videos to get tips and advice on how you can support the mental & behavioral health of children age 13 to 17.


Tips for starting conversations with children age 13 to 17

The best way to talk to teens about difficult topics is to get comfortable starting the conversation.


Common questions & concerns from parents of children age 13 to 17

Parents of teens often have questions about sleep changes, lack of concentration, withdrawing from friends, anxiety and depression.


What to look for in the behavior of children age 13 to 17

It's important for parents to recognize what types of teenage behaviors might be signs of mental health challenges.


Why it's important to support the mental & behavioral health of children age 13 to 17

Parents need to be proactive, even if that means having tough conversations with their teenage children.


How social media influences children age 13 to 17

While social media can sometimes be a very positive influence, it can also be addictive and lead to bad decisions.

Talking Mental Health

A printable activities worksheet to help start the conversation and support your child’s mental and behavioral health.


More parenting tips

Want to learn more? We have additional tips and advice to help parents support the mental & behavioral health of kids of all ages, from toddlers to teens.

Where to seek help

If your child is struggling with mental & behavioral health issues, it’s OK to seek help. While you may feel worried or frustrated, it’s important to know you are not alone.